Terms and Conditions of Hire


  1. All groups must have a nominated point of contact at least 18 years of age who has responsibility for the facility and the members of the group during the hire period. Children must be actively supervised.

  2. The Hirer or their point of contact, must be present for the duration of hire.

  3. Animals are not permitted within our facility other than guide dogs for the visually impaired, registered companion animals or official animals of the police.

  4. The Hirer must not allow any illegal activities to take place in or outside of the facility during the hire period. All statutory rules, regulation and bylaws in force shall be strictly observed by the Hirer.

  5. The capacity of the nominated facility must not be exceeded at any time.

  6. MVC staff will always have right of entry.

  7. No items are to be pinned or attached to walls in any locations.


  1. The Hirer must state the type of activity or event that the facility is being used for and only use it for that purpose.

  2. The Hirer must only use the area in the facility that has been booked and confirmed.

  3. Set up and pack down times must be included in the requested hire period.

  4. All equipment utilised during the period of hire must be cleaned (if needed) and returned to the correct position at the end of the hire period.

  5. All people in the group must follow instructions from MVC staff. Refusal to do so may result in the group being asked to leave the facility.

  6. MVC staff reserve the right to determine unacceptable behaviour of individual(s) while on the premises, with this right being to cancel a booking or request an offender to leave. If this occurs no refund will be given.

  7. MVC will do its best to provide an accurate cost at the time of booking, based on the information provided to us at the time. Bookings may incur extra costs as per the ‘Additional Charges’ section of this document.

  8. We reserve the right to change or update our pricing. Where prices are increasing, we will provide at least one month’s notice to affected groups.

  9. Where an access code and key are provided to a group, they may only be used to access the facility for booked times. Users may not access the facility outside of their booked times unless they have permission to do so by MVC. All keys remain the property of MVC and must be returned to the agreed location immediately after being used and at the conclusion or termination of a booking.

  10. Failure to pay invoiced accounts for ongoing bookings by the due date may see future bookings suspended until full payment is received. Payments not received by the due date may be referred to a debt collection agency. The Hirer will be liable for all associated fees and any other costs associated with this debt collection.

  11. To cancel a booking, see Cancellation of Hire section below. Please email nikki@mahurangivineyard.org immediately to discuss options.

Cleaning and Rubbish

  1. There will be an additional Cleaning Fee.  The amount will be confirmed at the time of booking, depending on how many areas of the church have been hired.   Minimum fee is $80.

  2. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring the spaces and equipment hired are left in a tidy state for the next user. This includes resetting any chairs and tables that have been moved and removing any decorations.

  3. You are responsible for providing your own rubbish bags and removing all your rubbish including recycling when you depart.

Additional Charges

A Bond of $150 will be required for all bookings.  This will be refunded at the end of your booking, after MVC staff inspection.

A Cleaning Fee will be required for all bookings, the amount will be confirmed at the time of booking, depending on how many areas of the church have been hired.   Minimum fee is $80.

MVC reserves the right to charge the Hirer for any additional charges resulting from the Hirer’s use. These will be deducted from the Bond prior to reimbursement.

In addition to the facility hire quoted at the time of booking, the Hirer may be charged for:

  1. Any use of extra spaces and equipment not quoted at the time of booking.

  2. Any damage to the facility caused during the hire period including to surfaces from pins or tape; or through any breach of the terms and conditions of this agreement.

  3. Any extra cleaning, rubbish removal, repair, or reinstatement of the facility which MVC considers is required after the booking.

  4. Any unreturned keys (including keys that are not returned on time to facilitate another Hirer’s access).  Our key system is centralised so a lost key requires new locks throughout the building at a cost of $1000.00.

  5. Any emergency services or security call out which is triggered for a non-emergency.

  6. Any unauthorised entry or overstay of booking times.

  7. Any security issues.

Furniture and Equipment

  1. Hirers are responsible for setting up, cleaning, and packing away any furniture and equipment used during their hire period. All furniture must be returned to the designated storage areas ensuring that fire exits are always left clear.

  2. Some equipment requires set up by trained and experienced staff members only – please confirm your requirements when you book.

  3. Tables and chairs are provided. MVC reserves the right to remove or replace furniture at each facility as it deems necessary. If the Hirer requires furniture and equipment in addition to what is available, then it is the Hirer’s responsibility to organise this. Please talk to us about your requirements as we may be able to help.

  4. The Hirer must not remove any furniture or equipment from our facility without our permission.

  5. We reserve the right to remove and dispose of any equipment or furniture left in our facility within 2 weeks of the hire period.

  6. MVC takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to any equipment or personal item left in a facility either before, during or after the hire period.

Noise, Neighbours and Music

  1. The Hirer is responsible for managing their noise levels in a way that does not annoy surrounding neighbours.

  2. All amplified noise must cease at 9.30pm.

  3. In the event the noise is deemed a “nuisance” and Council receives two or more complaints from the public, a visit from an Enforcement Officer may result in an infringement notice being issued. If the “nuisance” persists, Enforcement Officers have the right to confiscate sound equipment. Hire fees will not be refunded if the booking cannot proceed due to a noise complaint. (Note that use of MVC specialised audio equipment will require the engagement of a MVC AV Technician who will manage sound volumes as per Council requirements).


  1. All Hirers making bookings outside of business hours will be responsible for the security of the building. The Hirer will be given access details prior to the event and the key must be returned to the Lock Box immediately after opening the building. In the event keys are lost or stolen, Mahurangi Vineyard Church must be notified immediately, and any cost incurred for replacing the key and/or locks will be charged to the Hirer.

  2. Hirers shall enter the facility only during the times booked and only enter the spaces hired as per the booking agreement.

Other Considerations

  1. No smoking or vaping is permitted either inside our facility or near the entryways to our facility.

  2. Strictly no chewing gum allowed on any facility floors.

  3. Mahurangi Vineyard Church is predominately an alcohol-free facility. Permission for alcohol consumption must be negotiated with the Booking Agent.


  1. Hirers shall agree to hold the facility fully harmless and indemnify it against any and all suits, damages, claims, causes or actions which may arise out of use of the above-described property.

  2. MVC Staff at their discretion may refuse any application of hire, waiver specific conditions, or cancel any booking without assigning any reason.

  3. This booking is not confirmed until the Hire Fee has been received, which serves as an acceptance of these Terms & Conditions of Hire.

Cancellation of Hire

All cancellations must be received by email to nikki@mahurangivineyard.org

  1. 14 days’ notice required for cancellation.

  2. Deposits made to the facility are non-refundable.

  3. MVC reserves the right to cancel or alter a hire agreement in the event of an unforeseen event such as a Funeral which cannot be held at any other time.  Should this appear likely, the Hirer will be notified immediately, and an alternative arrangement discussed. If rescheduling cannot be done, a full refund will be given.

  4. Facility charges will still apply for no shows.

Health & Safety Conditions of Hire

A facility induction on the risks and hazards associated with the facility will be provided on booking – this induction will be provided either: in person, by email link, online, or on paper and will require your acknowledgement prior to your booking taking place.

Please also observe the following:

  1. Please disclose any known high-risk medical events to Mahurangi Vineyard Church prior to your Event.

  2. There is a first aid kit available onsite in the kitchen cupboard, and on the sound desk, but we do encourage user groups to bring their own first aid kit and ensure someone in the group is first aid trained.

  3. Every person in our facility is required to take reasonable care that they look after their own health and safety, and that of other people in their group.

  4. If any new risks are discovered when the group is our facility, report this to Mahurangi Vineyard Church immediately and take steps to control the risk to avoid causing harm.

  5. Any incidents, injuries or medical events experienced while in our facility must be reported to Mahurangi Vineyard Church immediately.

  6. In the event of an emergency, groups must follow the instructions of Mahurangi Vineyard Church staff and/or the Emergency documentation covered at induction.

  7. All exit ways must be always kept clear and visible.

  8. If a naked flame is to be used, for example birthday candles, the location of the Fire Extinguisher must be expressly noted in case of a fire.

Acceptance of quote and payment of Hire Fee serve as acceptance of these Terms and Conditions – Thank you